The Tea-lights are handmade with Fimo-clay designs pressed onto tea-light glasses. The designs consist of all South Africa and Africa’s most popular tourist attractions, sceneries, and patterns.
When the tea-lights are lit the tea-light holder’s design/picture comes alive to give a romantic atmosphere. This is a very popular item for European tourist. The Tea-lights are heat resistant and can be hand washed.
Tea-light holders comes with a complimentary tea-light candle inside.

Tea-lights X-Large
15cm x 13cm
Tea-lights Large
10.5cm x 9cm

Tea-light Small
6.2cm x 4.5cm

Tea-light Display Unit
Draw customers attention to this lovely bright lit-up electrical display unit. Each unit comes with 6 Small and 8 Large designs of tea-lights of your choice. When Switched on, it gives a similar effect as candle lit tea-lights. Uses small plastic energy saver bulbs that we supply. The display unit is the most effective way to sell the tea-lights.